Kemel Oil Lubricated Stern Tube Bearings
KEMEL oil lubricating stern tube bushes have been manufactured in conjunction with KEMEL COMPACT Seals for decades. The standard bush is cast iron lined with white metal and an excellent reliability and performance has gained high reputation amongst the numerous users.

Kemel Water Lubricated Stern Tube Bearings
KEMEL water lubricating stern tube bushes have been manufactured to have high adhesive properties, excellent corrosion resistance and thanks to the outer shell made of reinforced plastic the weight is very light. Further the bearings have an outstanding durability and stable performance absorbing shaft vibrations effectively. Since the construction materials are non-conducting, EVR bearings cut the corrosive electric current from the shaft sleeve and prevents roughness of the surface.

Falck Formco ApS
Automatikvej 1, 3rd Floor
2860 Søborg – Denmark
Corp.reg.no.: 13335001
Shipserv ID: 58627
Tel: +45 39 64 85 11
Fax: +45 39 63 28 40
Mail: office@falckformco.dk