Quantum ICCP systems
Most operators recognise the need to combine modern hull coatings with a purpose designed impressed current cathodic (ICCP) protection system. Cathelco produce a range of hull anodes, reference electrodes and control panels which enable their ICCP systems to be fitted on all types of ships and offshore platforms.

How the system works
The purpose of an ICCP system is to neutralise all of the electro-chemical activity on the surface of the hull in order to prevent corrosion. Cathelco ICCP systems consist of an arrangement of hull mounted anodes and reference electrodes which are connected to a control panel(s). In operation, the reference electrodes measure the electrical potential at the hull/seawater interface and send a signal to the control panel which automatic raises or lowers the output to the anodes. In this way, the level of corrosion protection is optimised at all times.
Quantum ICCP systems for greater connectivity
These systems have a number of time-saving advantages on ships with fore and aft installations:
- The forward ICCP system can be controlled from the aft control panel and information about whole system can be view from one location.
- Information can be relayed to a control room or bridge via an RS485 link.
- Data about the performance of the system is automatically logged and can be uploaded to a USB stick for analysis by Cathelco.

Falck Formco ApS
Automatikvej 1, 3rd Floor
2860 Søborg – Denmark
Corp.reg.no.: 13335001
Shipserv ID: 58627
Tel: +45 39 64 85 11
Fax: +45 39 63 28 40
Mail: office@falckformco.dk