BWMS Compliance Strategy and USCG Extension Applications
Extensions of a vessel’s BWMS compliance date are granted to shipowners who have documented that, as of the application date, compliance using a USCG Type Approved system is not possible. The process for extensions has become far more difficult since the acceptance of the first approved treatment system. Choice Ballast Solutions (Choice) can deliver the information required to submit an extension application with a timeline that outlines the steps to be undertaken. This includes:
- Availability of BWMS and drydocking facilities
- Technical issues
- Feasibility studies of available BWMS for your fleet or vessel
- Detailed design
- Class approval and documentation

Fleet Retrofit Assessments
To minimize risk, shipowners should produce an assessment for each ship under their management. Through a fleet assessment owners can review the investment value of a retrofit while keeping costs to a minimum and ensuring compliance for their ships. A Choice retrofit assessment includes:
- Ship analysis: operating costs, condition, age
- Reviews of Classification Society records
- Charter contract or shipping route evaluations
- Hazardous space or other shipboard limitations
- CAPEX cost estimates
- Examination of OPEX of BWMS maintenance and estimated repair schedule
- Project outline
Feasibility Studies and BWMS Selection
Ship type, size and ship operational area, affect the decision that a shipowner will make in choosing a BWMS. Shipowners need to understand the impact of the BWMS on their crew and how the system will integrate with the vessel’s operations and controls. By undertaking a feasibility study, Choice’ specialists will research and identify BWMS alternatives for your fleet or vessel while identifying the benefits and life-cycle costs of each technology in order to offer the best solution for your company. Choice has an experienced team of engineers that can conduct ship-specific feasibility assessments, evaluate ballast water flow and other effects on ship operation, that include:
- Operational profile of the vessel
- Cargo and ballasting operations
- Shipping route issues that may affect the BWMS
- Ballast pumps and flow assessment
- Functions, attributes and specifications of BWMS
- Space limitations and restrictions
- BWMS availability
- Maintenance and training considerations
After choosing a ballast water treatment technology, Choice can help negotiate fleet agreements with the BWMS manufacturer that can span over multi-year installation schedules.
3D Scanning & Vessel Surveys
Choice provides highly-detailed 3D laser point scanning to assist in the visualization of the differing BWMS technologies on your vessel. Using 3D modeling, we can show the shipowner how a BWMS, and associated filters and piping, would fit within the available space for the vessel. A Choice 3D scan would:
- Model the BWMS and components in location, show obstructions and verify maintenance space
- Generate a preliminary visual design to assist in decision-making of the final arrangement
- Reduce potential change orders during the retrofit
- Offer “cut-to-fit” pre-fabrication options to reduce costs
- Identify potential hazardous areas or risks
- Assist in the use of the BWMS with other ship operations
- Maintain accurate 3D ship engineering records for future use
BWMS Design Engineering
Choice Ballast Solutions’ design engineering will demonstrate a simple framework for your chosen BWMS installation. Using the latest computer-aided tools, concepts can be reviewed and modified to minimize the likelihood of errors during the retrofit, manage costs and assess risks. Our engineers will:
- Collect and analyze all engineering data
- Review engineering concepts and BWMS spacing specifications
- Discuss and resolve any issues with the retrofit design model
- Identify parts and possible pre-fabrication components
- Develop basic engineering drawings
The ability to pre-fabricate BWMS retrofit components as early as possible has huge benefits to the shipowner by reducing costs and reducing installation time.

Detailed Engineering Design
The detailed engineering and design process is a critical stage in any retrofit project. The Choice team of BWMS experts will use their experience to prepare detailed engineering packages that show all foundations, mechanical and electrical components, as well as a comprehensive list of all the parts needed for the installation. Using the precision of 3D scanning, our engineers will add piping, connections and pre-fabrication drawings to eliminate onsite installation errors. Choice’s detailed design phase can include:
- Cost build estimates
- Materials list and procurement plans
- Refined, detailed engineering design and specifications
- Pre-fabrication drawings
- Class and flag documentation and approvals
- Pre-installation preparations

Using an engineering firm with a long history and range of work in BWMS is imperative to the success of an installation. The Choice team draws on their past involvement with regulatory agencies, BWMS manufacturers and shipyards to assist shipowners to ensure that cost savings are maximized while streamlining the installation experience.
Project Management
Choice is highly-knowledgeable in BWMS installations over a wide variety of vessel types. We offer integration engineering and project management services for the shipowner, as well as BWMS manufacturer’s representative services. These services can include:
- Equipment delivery, parts inventory and placement
- Pre-fabrication supervision
- Optimized BWMS retrofit timetables
- Installation oversight with key stakeholders
- Class documentation and approvals
- Equipment testing
- Commissioning
- Crew Training

Operations, Training & Testing Services
After the installation, maximize your BWMS investment and optimize the system’s efficiency and performance with our trained Choice staff. Our life-cycle support can assist the shipowner with:
- After-commissioning crew training
- Fleet system and operations support for BWM compliance
- BWMS equipment upgrade engineering and modifications
- On board BWMS Compliance Audits
- Regulatory testing administration (ie. VGP testing)

Falck Formco ApS
Automatikvej 1, 3rd Floor
2860 Søborg – Denmark 13335001
Shipserv ID: 58627
Tel: +45 39 64 85 11
Fax: +45 39 63 28 40