For more than 50 years Falck Formco ApS forms a major role as an engineering & trading company in the Danish maritime, offshore and industrial markets. Representing worldwide leading makers of sophisticated equipment and technologies Falck Formco is known and appreciated as a reliable, competent and trustworthy partner to its long year customers and principals. Keeping an eye open for innovative technologies and developments in the various markets Falck Formco ensures to be up-to-date to provide its clients with insight in latest state-of-the-art.
Falck Formco offers a variety of solutions and technologies in water treatment ranging from drinking and cooling water treatment over oily water separation to ballast water treatment systems and BWTM-consulting. Newest developments in bearing and sealings are available as well as highly sophisticated and efficient antifouling and anti-corrosion systems for vessels hulls and seawater piping systems.
Falck Formco’s solutions and technologies for various sorts of water treatment, sealings and bearings, antifouling and anti-corrosive systems also cover the demands and needs in the offshore sector. Falck Formco serves and provide leading operators in this segment worldwide with equipment and parts needed for their daily flawless operation.
In the Industry sector Falck Formco provides various foundation technologies such as 2 & 3 component epoxy chocking material as well as foundation levelling devises. Also in this business segment Falck Formco offers a variety of technologies to treat and manage drinking and cooling water against settlement of lime scale, bacteria and fouling. Again oily water separators are offered.
To remain a competent, loyal and reliable partner for both customers and principals ensuring best possible solutions as a result of all services offered.
Entering into a close cooperation with a long year partner situated in the outskirts of Hamburg, Falck Formco has recently expanded its activity area to, in addition to the Danish also include the German market in the designated business segments. Offering both markets out of one hand gives value to existing and future business partners.
Our business partners operate from various angles of the marine, offshore and industrial markets being ship-owners, ship operators, ship management companies, navy, shipyards, offshore operators, makers, suppliers and consultants.
Fast and punctual response, flexibility, availability, solution finding, optimizing, strong and solid engineering level and long year technical and commercial experience.
Falck Formco ApS
Automatikvej 1, 3rd Floor
2860 Søborg – Denmark 13335001
Shipserv ID: 58627
Tel: +45 39 64 85 11
Fax: +45 39 63 28 40